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Would You Rather: Opinion Writing for Kids

WOULD YOU RATHER? Is my absolute favorite way to introduce opinion writing for kids. Before introducing text dependent opinion writing in grades 3-5, students in all grades can practice giving an opinion with supporting reasons.

Opinion Writing for Kids: How to Use Would You Rather Questions in Class

Would You Rather is an engaging way to get students thinking! A Would You Rather lesson includes…


QUESTION: Pose an either/or question.

THINK: Give think time. Have students ponder.🤔

WRITE: Students write their choice with supporting reasons (up to 3 reasons)

PAIR: To encourage student talk, have students share their responses with a partner.

SHARE: Allow students to share their answers.


QUESTION: Pose an either/or question.

THINK: Give think time. Have students ponder.🤔

PAIR: To encourage student talk, have students share their responses with a partner by stating their opinion with at least one reason.

SHARE: Allow students to share their answers with the class.

Would You Rather questions encourage students to prove and justify their own thinking while explaining it to others.

Questions can be FUN. Click the photo to download!

opinion writing for kids

Questions can be THOUGHT PROVOKING. Click the photo to download!

opinion writing for kids

Using the OREO Opinion Writing Format

My favorite question to pose to students is “Would you rather have an easy teacher but learn nothing, or have a strict, mean teacher and learn a lot?”

When writing a response, students use the OREO opinion writing format.

O - State and Opinion

R - Give a Reason

E - Give an Explanation

O - Restate the Opinion

For 2nd and 3rd graders, they should be able to respond in writing with:

O - State an Opinion

R - Give up to 3 Reasons

O - Restate the Opinion

Example 2nd/3rd Grade Response:

I would rather have an easy, fun teacher but learn nothing rather than have a strict, mean teacher but learn a lot. First, school should be fun so having a fun teacher would make me want to come to school everyday. Next, after having fun at school all day, I could go home and learn things on my own. Finally, if I had a strict, mean teacher it would be very hard for me to focus and maybe I would learn a lot. I would rather learn nothing at school, but have a fun and easy teacher.

For 4th and 5th graders, they should be able to respond in writing with:

O - State an Opinion

R - Give up to 3 reasons

E - Each Reason should have an Explanation/Elaboration

O - Restate the Opinion

Example 4th/5th Grade Response:

I would rather have an easy, fun teacher but learn nothing rather than have a strict, mean teacher and learn a lot. I strongly believe that school should be fun. Having an easy, fun teacher would make me want to come to school everyday. It would not bother me that I am not learning anything from my teacher. After having fun at school all day, I could go home and learn things on my own. There are lots of programs on the internet that can teach me the skills I need. Finally, I’ve had strict, mean teachers in the past and it was very difficult for me to focus. If the teacher is great at teaching, I may not learn because of the fact that I cannot focus. I would rather learn nothing at school, but have a fun and easy teacher.

You can learn A LOT about your students when you allow them to share their thinking AND students can learn A LOT about each other!

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