We’ve ALL been there. You’ve been hired for your first teaching job, assigned to a grade level, and given a classroom. You are a mix of emotions from excited, to nervous, to downright scared. And you wonder, NOW WHAT??
It is very UNLIKELY your teaching program had classes titled:
How to Set Up a Classroom
What to Teach the First Two Weeks of School
It is very LIKELY you had thousands of questions:
What do I hang on my walls?
What should I buy for my classroom?
What Classroom Management plan will work the best for me and my students?
What do students in this grade level need to know?
And more…
There are a variety of resources on the market to help you through your first days and weeks of the school year. I myself read and reread my copy of The First Days of School. Each book provides excellent information that will, no doubt, help you too. I encourage you to purchase one that you think would be a helpful guide for you.
Some of my favorites are…
What you WILL NOT find in these books and others like them is answers to your GRADE LEVEL SPECIFIC questions.
What supplies do my 5th graders need?
What anchor charts are best to hang in my 2nd grade classroom?
What is the best way to teach 3rd graders to multiply?
Should I teach using Balanced Literacy or the Science of Reading for my 1st graders?
How many paragraphs should 4th graders be able to write?
I scoured the internet looking for a book or resource that could tell me EVERYTHING I need to know to teach an entire year in a specific grade level IN ONE PLACE. I found a plethora of websites giving tips and tricks to teachers of every grade level. But to read through all of them would take HOURS of time. Eventually EUREKA! I found it! At least, I thought I did.
After previewing the content of these books, I realized that they presented information in generalities and with publication dates prior to 2010, before Common Core Standards and scientific brain-based research on how students learn, they would not give me the most up to date information I would need to be an effective teacher.
I have taken my 27 years of teaching experience and my work as an Instructional Coach to create a resource that will give teachers EVERYTHING they need to successfully teach an entire school year, from day 1 to 180, in every grade level K-5.
Whether you are a teacher-in-training, a first year teacher, an experienced teacher changing grade levels, or a veteran teacher looking for new ideas, this is the resource for you!
The HOW TO TEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL series is a growing resource with Part 1 - Classroom Set-up/Classroom Environment AVAILABLE NOW for FREE!
The How to Teach Elementary School series will include detailed information for:
Classroom Set-Up/Classroom Environment/Classroom Organization
Classroom Management/Procedures and Routines/Classroom Culture
Schoolwide Expectations and Support Systems (PBIS, PLC, MTSS)
Working with Colleagues/Collaboration
Working with Parents/Communication
Grade Level Content Standards
Planning to Teach - Curriculum Mapping
Working with Students - Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies
Tracking Student Progress using Diagnostics and Common Formative Assessments
Best Teaching Practices - Reading
Best Teaching Practices - Writing
Best Teaching Practice - Math
Social Studies and Science
Click to download Part 1 of any grade level resource for FREE!
Subscribers to The Perfectly Grown Classroom will receive email notifications of release dates for future downloads.
Part 2 - Classroom Management and the First Two Weeks of School coming in August!
**A Perfectly Grown Classroom is UNIQUE in that EVERY resource has a FREE sample to try before you buy AND to support collaboration and the PLC model (Professional Learning Communities), resources can be shared with teachers at your school site for FREE. No additional purchase needed.
We grow when we learn from each other. I welcome your feedback!