Aloha! My name is Karen Kauo. I am a teacher in Orange County, California
(Possible New Show: The Real Teachers of Orange County??)
I have 25 years of teaching experience, primarily in grades 3-5. I've taught 10 combination class 3rd/4th or 4th/5th. Just call me the combo queen! I have leadership experience as a member of my school's leadership team for over 18 years. I also spent 15 years as a Teaching Assistant Principal assisting with administrative duties on top of my daily teaching responsibilities. I am a mentor teacher and welcome student teachers into my classroom each school year.
I am married with two adult sons. My husband of 29 years, Joe, is a high school English teacher and football/lacrosse coach. My sons are 23 (John) and 22 (Jason). My youngest is finishing his last year of college in Colorado. My oldest, upon finishing college, started his own business designing and building furniture. As a family we love to travel, with Kauai being our favorite destination. Kauai is our second home.
The brand of PERFECTLY GROWN CLASSROOM is all about growing, changing, and learning each and every day. Always striving to be the best people we can be. Guiding students to be the best people they can be. PERFECTLY GROWN was created with the ALOHA spirit in mind. My husband is a native Hawaiian from the island of Kauai. We have raised our boys to understand and embody Hawaiian virtues and appreciate their heritage and culture. This website and blog is my way of passing along the ALOHA spirit to all of you.